US 🇺🇸 - Amazon Shipping is now available to US sellers in Veeqo
Veeqo has recently announced its new integration with Amazon Shipping for our sellers based in the US. Amazon Shipping has been available in the UK since 2020, and we are excited to extend this offering to our US sellers too!
What is Amazon Shipping?
Amazon Shipping provides reliable delivery, simple rates with no residential fees and Amazon’s trusted recipient experience. With Amazon Shipping, you can ship your Amazon orders, as well as those from your own website and other selling channels, meaning you can benefit from fast and reliable shipping for more of your orders.
Amazon Shipping benefits
With Amazon Shipping, you benefit from:
- Amazon’s reliable transportation network: Amazon Shipping offers fast shipping in two to five days,* including on weekends
- No weekend delivery surcharges or residential fees - low-cost rates to save you money.
- Pickup and delivery every day (including Saturday and Sunday)
- Hassle-free claims: Easy and fast to file, with most claims resolved within 24 hours
- On-time, reliable delivery, incluidng photo on delivery and end-to-end tracking
How does Veeqo connect with Amazon Shipping?
Once you submit your interest on the Amazon Shipping website and your account is created, you can easily access rates within Veeqo. Simply navigate to ‘Shipping Carrier Integrations' under 'Settings' and connect your account from there.
*Limitations apply